Control Unit For Multipoint Sequential Systems LR EVO OBD 6CYL


Control unit for Sequential Multipoint Systems LR EVO OBD 6CYL 5-6 cylinders.
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The Electronic Control Unit LR EVO OBD 6CYL (616000457), Is An Essential Component And Of Excellent Quality.

The ECU is reliable and very precise in the auto calibration function, which allows you to correctly complete the vehicle calibration in a short time.

For this reason, the adjustment potential of the extended calibration map, and the integration of petrol if required, are not sacrificed.

With LR EVO OBD 6CYL it is also possible to exercise a check on the connection of the petrol injectors and on the good functioning of the individual gas injectors, thanks to the connection Obdii (On Board Diagnostic Ii) with the petrol ECU.